Purium’s 10-Day Transformation

Purium recently changed their 10 Day Transformation into a 30-Day Transformation. However, the 10-Day option is still available, and it the one I’ve used multiple times. I’ll be totally honest and say that I’ve had the restrictiveness backfire for me once or twice, but overall it’s been a good experience. Purium products are pricey, but I do believe in their quality and effectiveness enough to recommend them. If you decide to try it out, you can click here or visit www.ishoppurium.com and enter “elementalharmony” as a code to receive a discount.

You can also order Chlorella through Purium. Or try Prime Chlorella or Dr. Mercola’s Chlorella.

Whole Body Cleanses, Parasite Purges, and Candida CleanseS

If you either know or suspect that parasites or candida are wreaking havoc with your physical health, there are various supplements that can help. However, without making dietary changes, the supplements won’t be sufficient. I recommend Paul Pitchford’s parasite purge or candida cleanse suggestions, which can be found in his book Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition. You can also explore these protocols with a coach like me who studied directly with Paul Pitchford.

I haven’t used RenewLife cleanses in years, but I remember liking their protocols and ingredients. They have a 30-day cleanse, as well as a 7-day cleanse, 14-day cleanse, candida cleanse, and parasite cleanse. You’ll need to change your diet for optimal results, such as avoiding sugar. As always, it’s best to consult with a health professional before taking supplements or starting any sort of detox your cleanse.

Nature’s Secret Ultimate Cleanse is also a brand I’ve tried. They also have various options, such as 7-day cleanse and a product for candida called Candistroy. Please consult with a doctor and/or nutritional therapy practitioner or health coach to make sure all of the ingredients are safe. And remember that you can’t just take take a pill and expect candida or parasites to go away; you also have to completely avoid sugar and reduce carbs for optimal results.

Health & Wellness Professionals

Depending on your current state of health and the type of detox your cleanse you’d like to do, you might need some support and preparation before starting. For example, as my colleague Pamela Grant, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, points out: you might need to prepare for an intensive detox by gradually changing your diet with good nutrition so that your organs are functioning well enough to support your liver. Otherwise, the detox can backfire and result in toxins pouring into your blood and getting reabsorbed. You can consult with your doctor and/or work with a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner or Certified Health Coach. Some recommendations:

Pamela Grant

Pamela is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner who specializes in autoimmune conditions but might be able to help you with that solid foundation of good nutrition, whether she can work with you directly or refer you to a colleague. You can schedule a discovery session and check out her blog at www.pamela-grant.com.

Rebecca Gould

Yep, that’s right! I’m an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach—and I studied directly with Paul Pitchford for the majority of a whole year. You can schedule a discovery session with me or contact me for additional referrals at www.rebeccacliogould.com